
My Projects

I love to Build Projects. Here, you'll find a curated collection of my creative endeavors and technical projects. Each piece represents a journey of innovation, problem-solving, and continuous learning. Feel free to explore this showcase of my passion and expertise in action.

Addiction Model - A Social Media Addiction Detector

AI-powered model designed to predict if a user is addicted to social media. Built with modern tech stacks such as Pandas, Python, Sklearn, and TensorFlow, this model analyzes user behavior patterns to provide accurate addiction predictions.


OuiMade - An E-commerce Website for OuiMade Business

OuiMade is a comprehensive e-commerce platform tailored for the small business OuiMade. The website supports seamless payment integration, enabling customers to easily complete transactions. Additionally, it features a user-friendly interface, product catalog management, and customer reviews to enhance the shopping experience.

ExpressJsJavascriptShadcn UiReactFireBase

ESSECT Absence Tracker - An Application for ESSECT University to Record and Manage Absences

ESSECT Absence Tracker is a specialized application designed for ESSECT University. It allows faculty and administration to efficiently record, track, and manage student absences. The system offers real-time reporting, automated notifications, and comprehensive analytics to help improve attendance and streamline administrative processes.


CreatechRhMicroService - A Microservice for Absence and Employee Management

CreatechRhMicroService is a robust microservice developed using Angular and Spring Boot, designed to manage absences and employees. It generates salaries as ODF and includes integrated mailing and messaging microservices. The system ensures efficient employee management with seamless communication and document generation.


Realtime Chat Application - Instant Messaging with Node.js and Socket.IO

This Realtime Chat Application leverages Node.js, MongoDB, and Socket.IO to provide a seamless instant messaging experience. Users can create accounts, send and receive messages in real-time, and maintain chat histories. The application ensures efficient and reliable communication with a responsive and interactive interface.
